Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Say Hello to Sarah! (Guest Post)

I want you all to meet a pretty special lady today.
Here name is Sarah and she hails from Silly Incantations.
She is so incredibly ADORABLE and I love to get caught up in her blog.

So without further ado....here is Sarah!
Well hey there lovelies!
My name is Sarah and I blog over at a little place called
I am so excited to be here today with all you fun gals!
I was so excited when Jen asked me to guest post for you guys.
She is such a sweetheart!!

Anywhoos let's get a little better acquainted!

Thats me!
I am 23 years old and currently a substitute teacher. I graduated last December
with a degree in Elementary Education.

I am extremely outgoing and love being around people. I am trying to be more of
a crafty Cathy and DIY my little apartment all up. I love having a good time
which includes a night out with the ladies or a glass (or two) of wine on
the couch watching reality tv... Real Housewives, duh.

Oh and that handsome fellow is my boyfriend caleb.
He is a doll and makes an appearance on the blog
here and there.

Now here a few more things about me--

I LOVE my family.

My little sister emily and I
My mom & Dad

I don't have smart phone. I am still hanging out in the 1200's
and cannot instagram, receive picture messages or get on facebook.

My favorite season is Spring. I love everything about the weather getting a little
warmer. Pastels, flowers blooming and of course that much closer to summer.

I cannot get enough of E-cards.
here are a few favorites..

Anyways I am so glad I got to spend a little time with you today
so come on over and say hi! I would love to hear from you.

How awesome is she?!?!
I love me some ecards and these are hilarious...especially the one about T-Swizzle. haha!
I also just realized our sisters have the same name....crazy. We are totally meant to be friends.
So, everyone needs to get on over to Silly Incantations and check this girl out! Pronto!


1 comment:

  1. AAWW thanks love :) I am so excited to be guest posting for you!!
